The new PTM 2022 date has been set on 2-4.9.2022 More details regarding the fee-transfer and new open spots will be published soon.
The new PTM 2022 date has been set on 2-4.9.2022 More details regarding the fee-transfer and new open spots will be published soon.
Due to the still valid covid restrictions we are forced to move the marathon date to the autumn period. The exact date will be announced soon. Who already has the tickets to Prague: Come to Prague, we will take care…
Despite the new government, the rules has not been changed, the limit 100 people stays. We activated the plan B (working on the exception from the rule). The government will be evaluating the measures each 5 days. Our next update…
According to the new government regulations are the dance classes/events allowed for 100 people only. The participants have to be either vaccinated (valid EU covid pass or its equivalent) or recovered (disease in past 180 days). Tests only is are…
Registration has been closed. First batch of confirmations will be sent out today (leaders), couples will follow on Monday, followers on Tuesday.
Registration starts November 11th, at 20:21 on this webpage (tab Registrations).
If the gods will be on our side the next edition of PTM will take place on February 11-13th 2022. Fingers crossed and we’ll keep you updated soon !!
ePTM 2021 Locked-down edition took a place in February, 27th. Who coudn’t make it, can still watch our short Tango in Prague Film by Petar Pavlov: Feel free to enjoy the tandas prepared by our PTM DJ’s team: Dark Oh…
We have already filled out all spots and further bookings are no longer possible, thank you for enormous interest !!